Tomorrow is the total solar eclipse in Aries, where an exalted Sun, Moon, Rahu and Mercury will be. The ruler of Aries, Mars is also currently exchanging signs with Mercury, as Mars in is the Mercury ruled sign of Gemini. Saturn is also aspecting Aries from its own sign of Aquarius. There is a tremendous amount of planetary energy focused on this brief, but astrologically powerful event of the solar eclipse.
However, just hours after the eclipse, while the Moon is still in Aries, Jupiter will leave its own sign of Pisces and enter Aries. This transit is complicated by the fact that Jupiter is currently “drowning” a term used for when a planet transits the last three degrees of a water sign and the first three degrees of a fire sign. The influence of Jupiter will mostly disappear through its “drowning” transit and delay it effect as it enters Aries.
So, there will likely be an intense, explosive, and significant event within 48 hours of the eclipse, which likely bring chaos, fear, or anxiety. This does not mean the event itself is bad, this is just the likely emotional reaction, as Aries ruled by Mars is a sign of warriors and is often motived by a feeling of threat. Then Jupiter will pass further into the sign and in a week, it will no longer be drowning. It will then both expand and harmonize. This means both the positive and negative effect of the eclipse will expand and grow, but in the end, Jupiter tends to bring out the positive. This is especially true in Aries where Jupiter does well and it is friends with the exalted Sun placed here who will help bring stability to the situation.
This will play out differently according to your natal chart. For the USA it may be more difficult than most as Aries is its 6th house, the house of enemies. For Trump it looks better than most as Aries is his ninth house and from here Jupiter will aspect his 1st and 5th house giving the grace of Jupiter to all the trines in his chart.
