Mars is about to exit Cancer and enter Gemini in its retrograde motion. This will happen on Tuesday, and it means Mars will no longer be debilitated. However, it will shift its aspects so that it will be aspecting Mercury in Sagittarius and Ketu in Virgo. Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, so there will be a strong Martian influence on all aspects of Mercury.
This could mean an increase in debts or inflation, a breakdown in communications, and a breakdown in transportation or healthcare infrastructure. As Mercury is in Sagittarius this could be because of changes in law or regulation in communications or trade policy. This could be an especially volatile period for the USA as Gemini is the 8th house of the natal chart of the USA and the country has four planets placed here. On February 23rd Mars will go direct in Gemini and on the 3rd of April it will reenter Cancer, its sign of debilitation.
The Sun has entered Capricorn, ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in its own sign of Aquarius. This transit will help to counter the volatility in inflation and markets that the transit discussed above indicate. However, the Sun will only be in Capricorn for a month, so volatility is likely to win out in this case.
To understand how these transits affect you an individual analysis is required. The interaction between your natal chart and the transits of the planets is always very individual and personal. Contact me for a reading at .
