Venus has exited it drowning point and now is solidly in Scorpio ruled by Mars. In four days, Mars will enter Cancer, its sign of debilitation. Mercury is in Venus ruled Libra and tomorrow the Sun will be as well. When Mars enters Cancer, it will also be aspecting the Sun and Mercury. Jupiter is retrograde in Venus ruled Taurus and there is a mutual aspect between this Jupiter and Venus in Scorpio.
All these planets are being indirectly ruled by Mars though Venus in Scorpio. This means that when Mars enters Caner in a few days there will be a sense of everything suddenly falling apart. Things will appear fundamentally broken, especially relationships, authority, justice, and communication. Mars in Cancer will bring deep frustration and feelings of helplessness. This will last until November 7th when Venus enters Sagittarius, and retrograde Jupiter in Taurus and Venus will be exchanging signs.
On November 15th Saturn will go direct in Aquarius. There are several more significant shifts in the next three months, but the next three weeks are going to be the worst of it. On December 15th Jupiter, Mercury, Mars will all be retrograde. Most areas of life will feel unsteady and chaotic until mid-January.

To understand how these transits affect you an individual analysis is required. The interaction between your natal chart and the transits of the planets is always very individual and personal. Contact me for a reading at .