Today was the solar eclipse, and while not visible in the USA it still influences the country and those in it, though not as much as the last solar eclipse. The last eclipse, six months ago, was closer to a total eclipse and clearer visible across much of the country.
Jupiter is slowing down in its transit of Taurus and in a week, on October 9th, it will go retrograde in Taurus. The ruler of Taurus, Venus, is currently in its own sign of Libra and will be for a few days after Jupiter goes retrograde. Then Venus will move into Mars ruled Scorpio, which is directly opposite Taurus. Ten days after that both Mars and the Sun will be in their signs of debilitation and Mercury will have left it sign of exaltation.
So, we are leaving a situation in which most planets are in their own sign, exalted, or in signs ruled by planets that are in their own sign or exalted. We are entering a period where only one planet, Saturn, is in its own sign, there are no exalted planets, and there are two debilitated planets. Mars is the most significant of these it will be in its sign of debilitation until June of 2025.
Because Mars and the Sun will be debilitated in late October and all of November, we will experience a period of low energy that will feel depressing. This is a time of low vitality and immunity and there may be widespread illness. Goals will be harder to achieve, and actions will be less likely to manifest into the desired results. The dynamics between retrograde Jupiter and Venus will bring struggles to relationships especially with male authority figures or the legal system. On the bright side Saturn will go direct in its own sign of Aquarius on November 15th.

To understand how these transits affect you an individual analysis is required. The interaction between your natal chart and the transits of the planets is always very individual and personal. Contact me for a reading at .